
Lovely Shiloh

♥ Seeing when you can't see ♥



Why worry… God totally has this !!

Who woulda thought, but man oh man, it's complicated making decisions in regards to your children's schooling pathway.  As you al know, I homeschool my 3 treasures, but it's more accurate to say that they do Distance Education.  We are... Continue Reading →

Being in good company

I'm gonna be honest. .  I'm struggling tonight.  I want to be walking the right path.. I NEED to be walking the right path as I have little eyes watching me and little ears listening to me.  (and some big... Continue Reading →

HS Day 299 – When life gives you lemons, Thank The Lord for Lemonade.

Happy Friday peeps !!!  Well, it could actually be a tad better, but hey, we'll roll with the punches. DH is, of course, still in Perth..  I miss him so much and although saying "I'll see you next Friday" sounds... Continue Reading →

This ‘weeks’ character trait training !!

Yes, I have 'week' set apart as it seems we keep them for several weeks... I don't think that's a bad thing.. but it will make for a very loooooong journey... which isn't the worst thing that could happen. OK..... Continue Reading →

Ready… or still preparing to be ready… or both ??

Cryptic much hey ?? LOL. I had a great conversation with our Pastor yesturday.. well, actually, every conversation with David is more like a lesson..... one where you are sitting in the very front row, leaning forward to get every... Continue Reading →

Monday morning !! Time for a new CT week !!

So, today begins a new school week... and a new Character Trait to focus on for the week ahead. Self Control vs. Self Indulgence Instant obedience to the initial promptings of God's Spirit. Galations 5:24-25 And those who belong to... Continue Reading →

Toowoomba mini trip !

Hiya all...  I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged...  slap slap.  Will aim to improve and get back into the swing of things. We have just returned from a couple of days at Toowoomba.  For those of... Continue Reading →

Heading to Tassie !!!

Last Friday at the lovely (cough cough) hour of 4.30am, Terry, James & I rose, loaded our suitcases into the car, picked up two passengers, and headed to the airport for our much anticipated GEMS & Cadets leaders conference. It's... Continue Reading →

No Other Name !!

Tonight, Terry & I watched a fantastic sermon via Hillsong Live Stream.  For those of you who know Hillsong church.. you'll likely know who preached, but hey, I"m not going to name names, as that would very much go against... Continue Reading →

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